Upgrades to streamline your dealmaking process

Over the course of 2024, we have implemented several key upgrades to our platform with that in mind. Below we have detailed a couple of new features and usability improvements that help you make the dealmaking process faster and easier than ever before.

Upgrades to streamline your dealmaking process

At Virtual Vaults, we continuously refine our platform based on user feedback, market analysis, and the latest M&A trends, aiming to meet and even exceed your needs.

During the course of 2024, we have implemented several key upgrades to our platform with that in mind. Below we have detailed a couple of new features and usability improvements that help you make the dealmaking process faster and easier than ever before.

What's new?

Updates to Data Room:

Keep full control of your Q&A process with Answer Approval Flow:
Set up an efficient validation workflow between answer drafters and approvers before disclosing final answers to the buyer. Drafted answers will be automatically assigned to an approver, such as the CEO, giving admins the assurance that all answers are validated and saving them valuable coordination time during the process.

Stop the submission of new questions with Q&A Freeze:
Admins can pause the submission of new questions to halt the Q&A process, for example when the due diligence phase is ending. They can also schedule freezes on specific dates and times for proactive planning.

Admins save time thanks to automatic Download Permissions for Excel files:
Now, by popular demand from our users, admins can choose to automatically assign download permission for every Excel file in your Data Room, eliminating the need to revisit Excel permissions for each new upload. This allows buy-side users to easily perform calculations and financial forecasts in Excel, which boosts collaboration and productivity.

Updates to Workspaces:

Easily shield off sensitive data collections with Guest User Access Control:
Manage access to sensitive data more effectively. You can now easily specify user access for data collections. This is ideal for collaborations with internal and external participants, ensuring users access only relevant data based on their domain or deal preparation stage.

Help forecast legal costs with Page Count:
This new feature automatically calculates the total number of readable pages in a document immediately after upload. It enriches document metadata with additional insights, such as the total amount of readable pages per data collection. This detailed view helps legal professionals and other users better understand the scope of the project, facilitating more accurate fee estimation and budget planning.

Clarify workflows for your next deal with Project Notes:
You can now add detailed notes within a Workspace, outlining desired workflows and use instructions that are immediately visible to everyone in the Workspace. This eliminates the need to share these instructions in a separate file in the data collection or via e-mail.

Usability improvements

Upgrades to Data Room:

Get more done in fewer clicks with our revamped Q&A dashboard and dialogs: We have significantly improved the navigation and filtering options of the Q&A dashboards and question dialogs to make asking and answering questions even faster and easier than before.

Get a better overview of past and current progress with Q&A Action Log and metro line: Our new action log gives users insights into the history of actions and comments made on a particular question. We have also added the Metro Line, a visual aid that provides you with a clear understanding of a question's status, upcoming steps, and the person responsible.

Filter and find questions only relevant to you with Q&A Categories:
Admins now can categorize folders for Q&A, making it possible to automatically organize incoming questions by linking them to relevant folders. By combining this with our new multi-select and filter options for Q&A, you can directly see the questions most relevant to your domain. Admins can save time by assigning multiple questions of the same category at once to the associated answer drafters.

Stay up to date with a dedicated New Files page:
There is an updated page for new documents so you can see the most recent uploads at a glance. This way your team can always see what files have been added since their last session and get straight to work on these documents. You can also filter and search on this page just in case many new documents have been added since your last login.

Easily find what you’re looking for with powerful new File Search and Filtering:
Advanced search and filtering options allow for more precise document retrieval based on upload date or specific permissions, ensuring more efficient control over document management.

Seamlessly continue reading with the new Read/Unread status:
You can now easily view which files you have already opened and which one you have not opened yet. You can also mark documents as unread to easily see what files you still need to look into before you make crucial decisions.

Toolbar upgrades:
Directly manage more actions from the toolbar, which now features additional filters and better positioning of the search bar.

Upgrades to Workspaces:

Finalize multiple redactions at once with our upgraded Redaction Tool:
Users can now finalize multiple draft redactions at once, making the process much faster.

Boost productivity with faster Drag & Drop in Split Screen Mode:
Enhanced drag-and-drop functionality in a split-screen setup makes managing documents across multiple data collections more effective. The split screen allows two data collections to be viewed side-by-side, and the drag-and-drop functionality simplifies document management.

Set Assignee & Status on multiple files or folders at once: Create visibility on priorities and who is responsible by setting assignees and statuses for multiple files or folders at once. This makes it much easier and faster to delegate tasks within the deal team.

Toolbar upgrades:
A revamped toolbar and the addition of an in-document search function enables you to access necessary features quickly and search documents for specific terms seamlessly.

Continuously improving our platform

We are constantly working on more updates, releasing new features and updates every week based on customer feedback and requests.

If you are not yet using Virtual Vaults, why not take a moment to schedule a demo? Experience firsthand how our platform can streamline your dealmaking process.

Our team is more than happy to show you how Virtual Vaults can help you get your next deal done with ease. Schedule your demo now by clicking the button below.